Patchwork is normally required due to aging parking lots or a parking lot sub-base failure. A1 Asphalt Paving & Sealing, LLC provides patchwork ranging from a simple removal and replacement of deteriorated asphalt to an earth moving repair. This repair would require sub-base removal, restoration and asphalt replacement. For your smaller asphalt parking lot patching projects we have the equipment to saw cut and remove the damaged asphalt, aggregate sub-base and soils and replace with new aggregate and the required VDOT mix of asphalt to extend the life of your asphalt parking lot.
For larger asphalt parking lot patching projects we have the capability of milling and removing existing asphalt and re-paving.
Contact A1 Asphalt Paving & Sealing, LLC for a Proposal on any of your commercial parking lot patching projects.